Friday, November 13, 2015

Can you hear me now?

Breakfast With Bubbie
Written By Robin "Bubbie" Montgomery

Dear Bubbie,

I am a senior in high school and recently turned 18.  I have a weekend job and pay for my own cell phone.  My problem is my mom is trying to tell me that I have a curfew and if my grades "don't improve" she's going to take my cell phone from me.

I pay for my cell phone, not my mom. I am an adult and I don't think she has the right to give me a curfew or take MY phone. I've tried talking to her about it, but she keeps saying if I don't like it I can leave. How can a mother tell her child I can leave if I don't like it? I would NEVER do that to my child. 

Ticked in Temecula

Dear Ticked,

Congratulations on your senior year and your job. You are making responsible choices that are invaluable in adulthood. Part of those choices need to be focusing on your grades, especially if you want to continue on to college.

Should your mom be able to take away your cell phone? Probably not, since you pay for it. However, you are living under your mother's roof and you need to abide by her rules. If you are going to be late for curfew, it is common courtesy to call with an explanation. You have no idea how we parents worry. A simple phone call can solve a lot of problems before they start. 

As parents, we are not perfect. In fact, we are learning how to deal with new problems every day just like you are. Has your mom had to deal with an 18 year old, young adult before? It's totally different from dealing with a 12 year old. You are both learning and growing every day, so try giving each other a break.  

If you have any questions you'd like answered or would like a little advice please contact me at or on my Facebook page.

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